CASSADR Function

Request Fields for CASSADR function

Parameter Value Description
userid string (required) Your Unique User ID.
service dqadr (required) The web service you wish to access.
function cassadr (required) The function to call.
uplow string (Y/N) Upper/lower case output fields.
FirmstringInput Firm line.
Line1 stringInput Address Line 1.
Line2stringInput Address Line 2.
CitystringInput City.
StatestringInput State.
Zip stringInput ZIP.
Urbanstring Input Urbanization.

Response Fields from CASSADR function

Field Description
dQAdrResults XML block that contains the results of processing.
oFirmFirm line.
oLine1Primary Address line.
oLine2Secondary Address line.
oZip5 digit ZIP.
oZip4Plus 4.
oDPBCDelivery Point Bar code check digit.
oCARTCarrier Route.
oLOTLine of Travel Code.
oFootnotesProcessing information from the CASS engine.


Request Fields for FIELDADR function

Parameter Value Description
userid string (required) Your Unique User ID.
service dqadr (required) The web service you wish to access.
function fieldadr (required) The function to call.
uplow string (Y/N) Upper/lower case output fields.
Line1 stringInput Address Line 1.
Line2stringInput Address Line 2.

Response Fields from FIELDADR function

Field Description
dQAdrResults XML block that contains the results of processing.
pHouseNumberHouse Number.
pStreetNameStreet name.
pPostStreetPost directionals.
pUnitNumberUnit Number.
pUnitDescUnit Description (Apt, Suite, etc).
pBoxNumberPost Office box number.
pRuralRouteRural Route number.


Request Fields for CASSFIELD function

Parameter Value Description
userid string (required) Your Unique User ID.
service dqadr (required) The web service you wish to access.
function cassfield (required) The function to call.
uplow string (Y/N) Upper/lower case output fields.
FirmstringInput Firm line.
Line1 stringInput Address Line 1.
Line2stringInput Address Line 2.
CitystringInput City.
StatestringInput State.
Zip stringInput ZIP.
Urbanstring Input Urbanization.

Response Fields from CASSFIELD function

Field Description
dQAdrResults XML block that contains the results of processing.
oFirmFirm line.
oLine1Primary Address line.
oLine2Secondary Address line.
oZip5 digit ZIP.
oZip4Plus 4.
oDPBCDelivery Point Bar code check digit.
oCARTCarrier Route.
oLOTLine of Travel Code.
oFootnotesProcessing information from the CASS engine.
pHouseNumberHouse Number.
pStreetNameStreet name.
pPostStreetPost directionals.
pUnitNumberUnit Number.
pUnitDescUnit Description (Apt, Suite, etc).
pBoxNumberPost Office box number.
pRuralRouteRural Route number.

LOOKUP9 Function

Request Fields for LOOKUP9 function

Parameter Value Description
userid string (required) Your Unique User ID.
service dqadr (required) The web service you wish to access.
function lookup9 (required) The function to call.
uplow string (Y/N) Upper/lower case output fields.
9Digitstring9 Digit Zip to find. (#########)

Response Fields from LOOKUP9 function

Field Description
dQAdrResults XML block that contains the results of processing.
oFirmFirm line.
oLine1Primary Address line.
oLine2Secondary Address line.
oZip5 digit ZIP.
oZip4Plus 4.
oDPBCDelivery Point Bar code check digit.
oCARTCarrier Route.
oLOTLine of Travel Code.
oFootnotesProcessing information from the CASS engine.


Request Fields for GETCITYBYZIP function

Parameter Value Description
userid string (required) Your Unique User ID.
service dqadr (required) The web service you wish to access.
function getcitybyzip (required) The function to call.
ZipstringZIP code to find city for.

Response Fields from GETCITYBYZIP function

Field Description
dQAdrResults XML block that contains the results of processing.
crZipZIP code.
crZipClassUSPS Zip code class.
crCityCity associated with this Zip.
crCityAbbrevUSPS City abbreviation.

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